Software House, Middlesex

F Ball delivers futuristic flooring results for software house

A range of market leading flooring adhesives and floor preparation products from F. Ball and Co. Ltd. have been used to refurbish reception areas and demonstration suites, in record time, at a stylish software house in Middlesex. Stopgap 700 Superflex smoothing underlayment, Stopgap 500 Micro floor finishing compound and Styccobond F61 heavy duty contact adhesive were used by Brajeff Flooring contractors to deliver a lasting, professional floor finish at the 450m2 software house.

Newly installed raised access panels across the site were overlaid by contractors with 12mm plywood, screwed and fixed securely to the subfloor. The plywood was primed with Stopgap P131 Primer, prior to the application of a 3mm coat of Stopgap 700 Superflex smoothing underlayment. Stopgap 700 is a fibre-reinforced underlayment that has been specially developed for use over substrates such as steel and plywood, which may be subject to movement. It allows resilient floorcoverings to be installed in as little as three hours, making it ideal for fast-track installations and minimising downtime.

Stopgap 500 Micro floor finishing compound was then applied to a feathered edge to fill the joints between the newly applied Stopgap 700 and an adjacent, sound plywood subfloor. Stopgap 500 is a rapid drying floor finishing compound designed for micro-coat application prior to the installation of new floorcoverings.

Brajeff Flooring contractors cut Noraplan Uni 2mm rubber sheet into custom shaped tiles to create a pattern across the reception area. The tiles were adhered with Styccobond F61 heavy duty contact adhesive, a fast drying adhesive that creates an instant bond that is also ideal for vertical applications. The pattern of tiles was secured to the subfloor of the reception area and continued up a ribbon-shaped vertical feature, inset with computer monitors used to display software to clients. The end result is an impressive, cutting-edge reception area with an imperceptible transition between graphic display monitors and luxury floorcoverings.

Other client areas of the software house were refurbished as themed zones, with new floorcoverings to match. Stopgap 700 Superflex was used throughout the building prior to the installation of new floorcoverings, which included Bolon tiles in the business zone and Marmoleum linoleum in the future zone.

Gary Brazowski, Director of Brajeff Flooring, said: “With such tight deadlines, F. Ball products were the natural choice. We’ve used F. Ball for a long time and have always been impressed with the reliability of the products and the excellent level of technical backup that the company offers.”